Tuesday, January 24, 2012


So Friday was my 20 week appointment and US. It was the full fetal survey and we were so excited to find out what this little nugget was. The US tech checked all HER little organs, facial features and overall health and size of the baby. Everything looked great and she is growing right on target! About 20 minutes into the ultrasound I asked if she could tell the gender of the baby and she said....you know we have to save the best for last :) and she made us wait even longer! After some views of the little heart and a few angle changes we could clearly see....IT'S A GIRL! We are beyond excited and Jacob is well aware that life as he knows it is OVER :) Jacob will be an amazing daddy and as soon as the book told us the baby could officially hear he began reading to her every night. Please continue to pray for a healthy baby girl and that God will prepare Jacob and I for the biggest honor of our lives....PARENTHOOD!!
Here is a picture of the little sweet girl from Friday

P.S. name coming soon! Its a work in progress!!

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